Use "multinational force|the multinational force" in a sentence

1. S.-led multinational force of 000.

2. The UN has sent a multinational peace-keeping force.

3. 4 The UN has sent a multinational peace-keeping force.

4. The US troops would be part of a multinational force.

5. We need a multinational strike force to combat drug trafficking.

6. They meticulously laid out the signals, sailing orders, and formations that would unify their multinational force.

7. It is therefore absolutely essential to accelerate the deployment of the ECOWAS vanguard force to Monrovia to pave the way for the early deployment of the multinational force.

8. It is therefore absolutely essential to accelerate the deployment of the ECOWAS vanguard force to Monrovia to pave the way for the early deployment of the multinational force

9. A-6 Intruders were later used in support of other operations, such as the Multinational Force in Lebanon in 1983.

10. This is a multinational corporation.

11. Your company is a multinational corporation.

12. Teamwork spirit, experience in Multinational Corporation.

13. The industry is dominated by five multinational companies.

14. RIMPAC is the world's largest multinational maritime exercise.

15. A handful of multinational companies dominate the economy.

16. Similarly, here's a multinational medical- device manufacturer.

17. Similarly, here's a multinational medical-device manufacturer.

18. 25 A handful of multinational companies dominate the economy.

19. I was the regional director of a multinational company.

20. The recording business is now controlled by multinational corporations.

21. Vienna was then the hub of the multinational Hapsburg empire.

22. Major multinational manufacturers have pioneered the field of environmental auditing.

23. How much outrage can a single multinational corporation inspire?

24. The film peeks behind the scenes of a multinational corporation.

25. Have sound knowledge of operation in multinational corporation.

26. Here I had these multinational companies fighting over me.

27. Many multinational companies have substantial operations in this area.

28. Multinational companies create, in effect, a global economy.

29. This cover technique is used by multinational corporations.

30. Each member company is known as a multinational corporation.

31. The brand is now owned by the French multinational company Kering.

32. 2 The firm was taken over by a multinational consulting firm.

33. Berlusconi participated in the US-led multinational coalition in Iraq.

34. This is a multinational corporation operating in hundreds of jurisdictions.

35. Alegal is a multinational, multicultural and multilingual law firm

36. The small company has been expanded into a multinational corporation.

37. The British company is one arm of a large multinational.

38. The company eventually sold out to a multinational media group.

39. The company is a part of $16.9 billion multinational Mahindra Group.

40. Fortinet is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.

41. Now of course, this doesn't come naturally to multinational companies.

42. The government is attempting to stimulate the economy by attracting multinational corporations.

43. A number of smaller companies were mopped up by the American multinational.

44. Archconservatives like me shared the left’s fury at these oppressive multinational bureaucracies

45. Access Industries, Inc. is an American privately held multinational industrial group.

46. Balkanization, division of a multinational state into smaller ethnically homogeneous entities

47. Cogent Communications is a multinational internet service provider based in the United States

48. The challenge now is to forge operational cohesion in a motley multinational flotilla.

49. A secretariat staffer involved with the latter says multinational industry should police itself.

50. The most relevant feature is the high proportion of multinational corporations in Britain.

51. The Production of Possession: Spirits and the Multinational Corporation in Malaysia. 28 - 42 .

52. Multinational companies are unethically exploiting the plant genetic resources of developing countries.

53. Taking a powerful multinational to court is an agonizingly long process.

54. Multinational companies still have a vaguely villainous image for much of the left.

55. Assort Service is a Multinational firm with strong HR domain expertise.

56. Samsung SDS is a multinational IT Service company headquartered in Seoul.

57. The first troops of a multinational force landed in Beirut on 21 August 1982 to oversee the PLO withdrawal from Lebanon and U.S. mediation resulted in the evacuation of Syrian troops and PLO fighters from Beirut.

58. A stable region requires multinational cooperation to address the rising frequency of natural disasters.

59. Multinational characters You can search for words with accents and other diacritic marks.

60. Venice sent a multinational mercenary army which soon regained control of the major cities.

61. Lewis leads the small contingent of 400 multinational soldiers and American Marines defending the compound.

62. Arches is a multinational, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase III trial

63. Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance is a multinational general insurance company headquartered in Seoul.

64. Banks also make other currency advances to traders, multinational corporations and sovereign governments.

65. The Corporations (MegaCorporations or MegaCorps) are giant, multinational companies that dominate the Cyberpunk landscape

66. The main providers of such funds are overseas banks, multinational corporations and institutional investors.

67. 16 Crucially, in an era of multinational sports commerce, it also travelled better abroad.

68. Coagulum's Executive Team have held leadership positions in the private sector and multinational organizations

69. Alight Solutions is a business process outsourcing multinational company based in Lincolnshire, Illinois

70. Multinational Characters You can search for words with accents and other diacritic marks.

71. Egypt, Qatar, Syria and Saudi Arabia joined a multinational coalition that opposed Iraq.

72. The number of such multinational corporations rose from 7, 000 to 65, 000 since the 1990s.

73. As a multinational corporation, we must keep abreast with the latest development of the international marke.

74. This also that the multinational corporation strides over culture managing the problem needing to face first.

75. They met force by force.

76. In fact, I believe it belongs to a multinational smelting company... based in Shanghai.

77. Large multinational corporations produce and acquire vast volumes of information in the course of their business.

78. Football teams are now like multinational franchises, with coaches and players from all over the world.

79. HMCS Windsor contributed significantly to national and multinational exercises as a member of the submarine fleet.

80. Equip with multinational patent and adjustable folding box. Let the bike more safety and fold quickly.